NAME         |DESC
addcolumn    |Create new empty columns of a table at right                  
addrow       |Append a new empty record to a table                          
awktable     |Wrapper for 'awk' program to process a table                  
bsearch      |Search a table for lines matching a specified key             
column       |An alias for getcolumn                                        
compute      |Compute an arbitrary expression using column names            
constraint   |database schema and referential-integrity processor           
csvtotable   |Convert a CSV file into a table                               
ctime        |Turn column containing seconds since epoch into local time    
depend       |An alias for deptable                                         
deptable     |Test for functional dependency betwen two columns             
edittable    |Use an editor to edit or modify a table                       
envtotable   |Convert ENVIRONMENT into a one row table                      
filter       |An alias for filtertable                                      
filtertable  |Run standard utilities against a table                        
formtable    |Print an arbitrary style report of a NoSQL table              
frametable   |Beautifier for easier table editing                           
getcolumn    |Pick columns by name, output columns in listed order          
getrow       |Select rows based on arbitrary AWK expressions                
gregorian    |Translate selected date columns from Julian to calendar       
index        |An alias for indextable                                       
indextable   |Generate table index files to be used by 'search'             
islist       |Check whether an input file has a valid 'list' format         
istable      |Check whether an input file has a valid table format.         
itable       |Interactive front-end to NoSQL                                
jointable    |Join of two tables on a common field                          
julian       |Translate selected date columns from calendar to Julian format
justify      |An alias for prtable                                          
keysearch    |Fast search for rows that begin with a given string           
ldaptolist   |Queries an OpenLDAP server and formats a NoSQL list           
listtotable  |Take a file in 'list' format and makes it into a table        
makeschema   |Build a database schema from a list of tables                 
maketable    |Build a valid table header from an xref file                  
muxtosql     |Unordered sequence of name/value pairs to SQL statements      
muxtotable   |Unordered sequence of name/value pairs to NoSQL table         
mysqltotable |MySQL server query to NoSQL table                             
nblparser    |Experimental NoSQL Brokering Language (NBL) interpreter       
nltable      |Inserts a unique record identifier into a table               
nosql        |Main wrapper for all NoSQL commands                           
notcolumn    |An alias for getcolumn to remove one or more columns          
number       |An alias for nltable                                          
project      |An alias for getcolumn                                        
prtable      |Table formatter for character displays                        
psqltotable  |PostgreSQL server query to NoSQL table                        
random       |An alias for rndtable                                         
rdbtotable   |Convert an /rdb or RDB table into NoSQL format                
rename       |An alias for renamecol                                        
renamecol    |Rename a column                                               
repair       |An alias for repairtable                                      
repairtable  |Append empty data fields to rows to match table header        
rmcolumn     |An alias for getcolumn to remove one or more columns          
rndtable     |Pick one or more table records at random                      
row          |An alias for getrow                                           
search       |An alias for searchtable                                      
searchtable  |Select rows on a multi-column key of a sorted/indexed table   
seektable    |Extract rows at selected offsets of indexed NoSQL table       
select       |An alias for getrow                                           
setnames     |Set new column names on the input table                       
slapd-bind   |Experimental OpenLDAP 'back_shell' BIND processor             
slapd-search |Experimental OpenLDAP 'back_shell' SEARCH processor           
slapdtonbl   |Experimental OpenLDAP 'SEARCH' to NBL converter               
sorttable    |Sort a table by one or more columns                           
soundex      |Compute Knuth's soundex codes for selected columns            
sqlitetotable|Build a valid NoSQL table from a SQLite database table        
subtotal     |Output subtotals of a table                                   
summtable    |Show statistics about a NoSQL table                           
tablecat     |Concatenate multiple compatible tables                        
tabletocsv   |Convert a table into CSV format                               
tabletolist  |Convert a table into the corresponding 'list' format          
tabletordb   |Convert a table into /rdb format                              
template     |An alias for xreftable                                        
tmptable     |NoSQL temporary table creator for pipelines                   
total        |An alias for totaltable                                       
totaltable   |Compute table totals                                          
union        |An alias for uniontable                                       
uniontable   |Build the "Universal Table" of one or more tables             
unique       |Make a table unique on the primary key field                  
unsorttable  |Shuffle rows in a NoSQL table                                 
update       |An alias for updtable                                         
updtable     |Insert/update/delete table rows using an edit table           
userproc     |Applies local processing to query results                     
usleep       |Command-line interface to usleep(3)                           
viewtable    |Visualize a table in a nice list-like format                  
widest       |print the max. width of each column in a table.               
xreftable    |Build a table template file for the input table               